
Monimuotoinen BDSM-lyhytelokuva

Model Search

We are looking for models for a BDSM-themed short film. Our goal is to show that BDSM is for all kinds of people, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, size, skin color, or any other aspect of their physical appearance. We wish to express the body positive image and wellbeing that members of the BDSM community give each other. The film will also show the tender and caring side of the life style - this is not only about heavy sessions, but also about the gentleness and caresses.

We are looking for roughly twenty models of different shapes and sizes. We would like for our models to represent all genders, sexual orientations, skin colors, sizes, ages, and appearances, including those that are not considered traditionally good looking. We are looking for pairs and groups that have played together in order to portray the trust between them. However, you can also register as a single. Physical or sensory disabilities are also not a problem, but a part of the variety we want to celebrate.

We would prefer our models’ faces to be visible. To some degree, models can be anonymised through the use of hoods and camera angles, but we would like most of our characters to have a face.

The film will be directed by Turku Arts Academy graduate Fýr Romu, and produced by photographer Tomi Junnila and theatre student Linn Gröndahl. The script is by the team. The film is supported by the Turku BDSM society (“Turun Baletti”).


Filming will happen on a weekend in August 2018. Our goal is for the film to have its premiere at the Vinokino LGBTIQ film festival in the fall.


The models’ travel costs will be compensated, and lunch will be served at the filming.

For further information and to sign up

Linn (producer): monnicasting at gmail dot com